Thursday, July 19, 2012

July 19: Balcony building

The balcony is being added to the rear of the house.  We're figuring out the roof and eaves.  We've got the water heater delivered (it's still in a box, so no pics).  We've got plumbing delivered, but the only thing out of a box is the tub.

The balcony structure is made of the treated wood.  I think that's a code requirement.  It'll all be covered with something.  Maybe stucco, maybe wood.  I don't know right now.

A view of the balcony from farther back.

The balcony from the right side.

This is the tub that will get installed for the girls shower/tub.  It's sitting in what will be Alex's room.

I put a broom in the tub to show scale.

This is the balcony roof from the roof.

Monday, July 9, 2012

July 8: Bay window framing

The bay window roof is complete.  We've also done more granite selecting to complete the kitchen.  We've got kitchen floors and master bath floors and shower to complete.

Here it's nearly complete.  But, the scaffolding remains in place till it's done.

If you look at the peak of the bay roof you can see the uncovered section. That might all that's left to do.  Probably some other small stuff.

A pic of the competed bay and roof framing.  Looks good!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

July 1: Need to order plumbing and tiles!

Things are slowing down waiting for us to have the plumbing delivered.  That means we need to get the plumbing ordered.  That also means we need to finalize on our plumbing selections!


Over the last week we got 95% of that done.  Things will start showing up next week.

However, progress is being made.  The roof over the kitchen bay is being added.  I also have some pics of the granite and tile options.

The fascia around the bay window is taking shape.

This is the framing for the bay roof.

This is the granite we're using for the master bath counter.

This is the granite we're using for the laundry room.

This is an option we like for the master bath floor.  We can also use it in the shower.  The little pieces are accent.