Sunday, February 5, 2012

Foundation pouring today

It's 9:30am on Saturday Feb. 4, 2012.  The foundation forms are done.  The first concrete truck is ready.

Foundation and piers are together.

Starting the process. 

Matt is wetting the boards.  The concrete is flowing.

The white pipes cover the threads of the anchor bolts.

All hands on deck.  The dirt is back fill to keep the concrete from spreading too much at the bottom.

One of the rear deck pillar piers.  The strong-tie is on the ground behind.

I tried to stay out of the way.  They move fast with the concrete.

Filling with concrete and back filling with dirt.

The device on his hip controls the pump via wireless signals.

From the existing floor out over the new.

The first concrete truck loading the pump.

Beth helping out filling wheel barrows with dirt for back fill.

These are for future underground electrical.

Beth is helping supervise.

The lead concrete guy.

Beth talking to the neighbors over checking out the activity.

Getting the front foundation and porch piers poured.

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