Saturday, December 29, 2012

December 29: Wallboard has started

A team of two started upstairs during between Christmas and new years.  They did the closet in the master bedroom first.

This is Evan digging out the sewer cutout.

Back to the upstairs.  The wallboard is going up quick.  It's a very dusty job.  The snowy look to the picture is the wallboard dust floating in the room.

This is the master bathroom.  The shower is not yet done.

The wallboard is going over the internal sheer wall.  The studs to the right of the sheer wall were furred to match.

They've gone home for the day.  Getting very close to complete.

The shower has some green board up now.

A diversion... These are the vent stacks for the stove exhaust.  Two 8" pipes.

The wallboard team moved down stairs to the living room.  Ceiling first, I guess.

These guys move quick.  They are doing a good job.

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