Finally got to put up the shear wall in the family room. The cutout for the entry to the stair/hall is done too. |
A pic of the reverse side. |
More plumbing. This is the washer setup. |
Alex's straight cove ceiling framing is done. Nice job Matt! |
On the Sunday of Memorial Day I jackhammered out the concrete sides of the old heater access. The concrete pad was where the package unit was sitting. |
The main electrical panel and the new tower. |
The inside electrical panel. There might be more than one inside, but it's not yet installed. |
The sewer plumbing from the second floor is too large to fit in a 4" wall. This wall will be furr'd out to accommodate. |
Some pics from underneath. This is under the two-story section. New sewer and supply pipes are seen. |
This is under the old single story section. We're adding floor joists to bolster the support. The original had 4x6 beams on 4' centers. |
More pics of the additional floor joists. The lighter colored wood is the new stuff. |
More of the same. |
They had to do some digging under the house for the new sewer plumbing. |