Thursday, December 13, 2012

December 13, 2012: Work is resuming in ernest

Adding paper to the outside in prep for the stucco

Same side of the house, but from the back near the garage.

The side (driveway) entrance.

Carlos is has built forms to fill in concrete around the entry.

Half the paper up on the front of the house.

Holes cut in the roof for the range exhaust.

Matt working out the fitting.

Office, laundry and guest room under floor heater ducting.

This is where the washer and dryer will be located. The entire 1st floor was insulated with R19.  Should be cozy.

Front of the house again.  The silver band at the bottom is the weep screed. Find out more about weep screed here: A youtube video describing weep screed. (will open new in new window)

All covered now.  We're going with square corners.  There are special corner pieces that are different for square or rounded corners. I have pictures of them when they get attached.

The front of the house is almost covered too.

Just covering the plywood makes the house look more finished.

The side (driveway) entrance is covered.  The polygon shaped area will be a door level landing.  We're going to have a 'well' around each of the vents.

Beth and Francisco working on cabinet details.

Matt has the exhaust vents installed.

This is the switch box for the kitchen and back patio.  There is a triangular empty space behind.  I wanted to record that.

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