Saturday, February 23, 2013

February 23, 2013: Starting the finishing

The kitchen tile installation has started.  This is the base of the island.

The laundry room is nearly completed.  The large cabinet on the left is for the laundry baskets.

The laundry room looking the other direction.  The built-in ironing board is shown.

The girls bathroom is very nearly complete.

Cali's room has her closet doors installed.

The girls tub/shower with the shower plumbing installed.

We're working on colors for the stair area.

Cali likes the grey walls with one dark blue accent wall.

Alex is going pink.

OK, the stair area colors were selected and the painters got busy.

The painters also got busy on the outside. 

It's going to be raining the next day.  So the painters had a large crew and got the house done, trim and all, in one day.  They rolled and sprayed.

Outside looks mostly done here.  The painters still need to finish the clean up.

Testing out different stains for the floors and stair railings.

The electrician and I both thought there was an electrical box below the switch.  We talked about it and thought that it was covered over.  Jose went looking for it.  Turns out there was nothing.  Bummer.

Finishing up on the outside painting.

The security lights on the south side of the house are installed.

Actually, all the outside lighting is installed.

The entryway lights are installed.  There is a hanging light behind the little window.

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