Monday, April 2, 2012

Getting stuff done inbetween rain

Beth got some pics of the work crew.  This is Tony.  He is Mario's dad.

This is the side porch.

This is the kitchen. The pipe studs are where the island will be located.  The opening on the left is for the bay window over the sink.

One of the crew.  Not sure who.  There is demo going on upstairs.

This is from the inside of the old master bedroom looking out into the family room.  That looks like Matt.

This is the new laundry room.  The angled beam is to remain to meet the town requirements.

Another picture of the same beam.  It's required to maintain the 50% contiguous wall.  The old window that we're reusing has been reinstalled.  It's going to be painted the dark color of the other new windows.

A look at the entire wall on the south side.

This looks like the front window from the outside.

Reuben is putting up ceiling joists in the hallway.

A skilled carpenter can do this by himself.  Reuben is that guy.

Tony measuring twice....

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